Dexter Torflex Axle Order Form Capacity (lbs): 10002300350052006000700080009000100001200014000 Bolt Pattern (in): 4 on 45 on 4.55 on 56 on 5.58 on 6.5 Stud Size (in): 1/29/165/8 Flgd5/8 Coned Hub Face (in): Outside Bracket (in): Spindle Type: No Brake Flangew/ Brake Flange Std GreaseEZ LubeNev-R-LubeOil Brake Type: IdlerElectricHydraulicAir Axle Finish: Painted (Std)Galvanized AP Brackets: No AP Brackets (Topmount)w/ AP Brackets (Sidemount) Torflex Start Angle: 010 Up22.5 Up10 Down22.5 Down45 Down Quantity: Requested Delivery: Bill To: Ship To: Check here if same as Billing Information Special Instructions: I VERIFY THAT THE PARTS / AXLES INDICATED ABOVE ARE CORRECT AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT ALL SPECIAL ORDER AXLES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE AND MAY REQUIRE A DEPOSIT. UPON RECEIPT OF YOUR ORDER, WE WILL CALL YOU FOR ORDER VERIFICATION AND PAYMENT INFORMATION. FOR QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS, PLEASE CALL US AT 951-215-2223.